Welcome to my digital garden! I’m Thierry Pouplier, an electrical engineer with a passion for software development. My journey in the realms of technology has led me to explore the fascinating intersections of mobile robotics, control theory, and machine learning.

As an avid learner and practitioner, I’ve cultivated a repository of insights, discoveries, and musings within my Obsidian note-taking system over the past few years. Now, I’m excited to transplant these seeds of knowledge into this digital garden, where they can take root and flourish.

Aspiring to become a machine learning engineer, I’ve embarked on a path of continuous learning and growth. Here in this digital sanctuary, I’ll not only share insights from my explorations but also document notes from the courses I undertake, nurturing a repository of knowledge for both myself and others.

Feel free to explore this budding digital sanctuary at your leisure. Wander through the nascent oasis of ideas, insights, and discoveries that I’ve begun to cultivate with care. Welcome to my digital garden, where the journey of exploration is just beginning.

Here is the my current endeavor: LinkedIn Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer Certification