Framing ML Problems

Project: @gortium’s Journey To Become a Machine Learning Engineer

Repository: GCP_ML_Engineering_Cert_Framing_ML_Problems

Key terms

  • machine learning: Learning algorithms
  • supervised learning: Learning from data with labels
  • unsupervised learning: Learning from data without labels
  • Reinforcement Learning: Learning from try and error and a reward function
  • ML Solution Readiness: Assessment of the readiness of a ML solution
    • Data availability
    • Data quality
    • Data limitation
    • Responsable AI practices
  • ML Uses Cases: A task a ML can solve with a business context. Exemple:
    • Segmentation
    • Fraud detection
    • Demand forecasting
  • ML Problem Types:
    • Classification
    • Progression
    • clustering
  • Business Success Criteria: Specific measurable goal or outcomes that indicate whether a ML solution is successful in addressing the business problem. Exemple:
    • Improving accuracy
    • Reducing a cost
    • Increasing efficiency
  • Bias in ML:
    • Fair model predictions
    • Unbiased model predictions
    • Accurate model predictions
  • Business Impact Assessment: Impact of a specific ml solution and to communicate to stakeholders
  • Data readiness: Data is useful for ML training
    • Data availability
    • Data quality
    • Data limitation
  • Responsible AI Practices: Design in a way that it is ethical and trust worthy to avoid negative consequences and legal consequences

Translating business challenges into ML use cases

Github for teaching MLOps

  • Reproduccibility: Codespaces
  • Access to GPU: Machine Learning Codespaces
  • AI Coding Assistant: Copilot
  • Continuous Integration & Deploy: Github Actions


  1. WHY?: You need to retrain and redeploy ML model continuously
  2. HOW?: Github codespaces, copilot, actions
  3. WHAT?: Github actions link to any platform

Transclude of Framing-ML-Problems-2024-03-17-22.23.16.excalidraw

MLOps rule of 25

  • 25% DevOps
  • 25% Data engineering
  • 25% MLOps
  • 25% Stakeholder communication

Defining ML problems

Defining business success criteria

Identifying risk to feasibility of ML solutions